$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

Matematika tolong dong buat yang paham​

tolong dong buat yang paham​


1) 60 x^3 + 60 x^2 - 12

2) 80 x^3 - 42 x + 3

3) F'(x) = 5 x^[-3/4] - 4 x^[-2/3] - 2 x^[-1/2]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1) F'(x) = (4)15 x^(4-1) + (3)20 x^(3-1) - (1)12 x^(1-1)

F'(x) = 60 x^3 + 60 x^2 - 12

2) F'(x) = (4)20 x^(4-1) - (2)21 x^(2-1) + (1)3 x^(1-1)

F'(x) = 80 x^3 - 42 x + 3

3) F'(x) = (1/4)20 x^(1/4 - 4/4) - (1/3)12 x^(1/3 - 3/3) - (1/2)4 x^(1/2 - 2/2)

F'(x) = 5 x^[-3/4] - 4 x^[-2/3] - 2 x^[-1/2]

Semoga membantu ya, kak!

Sehat selalu!

Kalian mau bertanya tapi takut kehilangan poin? Boleh langsung DM Instagram aku ya ^-^
