$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

$4.83: The cost to impact the life of a child for a year....maybe Forever

Matematika diketahui f(×) =× +1 dan (f.g) (×) =ײ+11× +10 tentukan fungsi g(×)

kak tolong jawab cara nyaa​

diketahui f(×) =× +1 dan (f.g) (×) =ײ+11× +10 tentukan fungsi g(×)

kak tolong jawab cara nyaa​



f.g(x) = f(x) . g(x)


f(x)= x + 1

f.g (x) = x² +11x + 10

g(x)= (f . g)(x) / (f(x)

g(x) = (x² + 11 x + 10) / ( x+ 1)

g(x) = (x + 1)( x+ 10) / ( x+ 1)

g(x)= x + 10

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